Most Americans know that climate change is real and that it’s bad. And most of us are worried, even if we don’t talk about it. Let’s talk about climate change—and listen and learn and teach.
Scientists know that the climate is changing because of human activity. The biggest uncertainty is the future level of pollution. If we act on climate right now we can make a better future for all of us.
Refresh yourself with some time in nature—to walk, to study, to play, to sit quietly with your thoughts or with someone you love. Explore our guides for walkers, watchers and data-collectors.
Looking for ways to practice sustainability at home? Join us as we explore greener ideas for cooking, gardening, crafting and more. Start at home, then use your experience to change the world.
Give a hoot….. (photo by joe mazza / brave lux)
At animalia project, we believe that a better world is possible. We invite exploration of the world around us and the connections that sustain us. We offer public workshops, professional conferences and creative tools that focus on understanding climate science, sustainability, community connections and real-world solutions.
photo credits: top image of clouds by susan ask; all other images on this page by joe mazza – brave lux