Most Americans know that climate change is real and that it’s bad. And most of us are worried about it, but we don’t talk about it much.
Let’s talk about climate change — and listen and learn and teach.
By connecting with other people through conversations, we can focus attention on climate change as an urgent issue that matters to all of us.
Research has shown that conversations about climate change among family and friends leads to more understanding that climate change is happening now and that it’s happening because of human activity.
You don’t have to be an expert in climate science to talk about your concerns for the future and for the present. You don’t have to know the details of international treaties to talk about the need for local and global action. You simply have to care and to talk with your family, friends, colleagues, elected representatives and the businesses you support.
Explore tools for climate change engagement and education:
Teachers, community leaders, scientists and naturalists can help people understand climate change and find ways to prepare for and prevent the worst impacts of climate change. animalia project provides creative tools and workshops for teaching, learning and making connections.