transit to trail

Transit to Trail is a guide to getting to nature without getting in the car.  Taking public transit to explore nature is an easy and sustainable alternative to driving—and burning more fossil fuels.

Why take transit? Because driving just one mile releases about a pound of CO2 plus other pollutants.  Add to that the environmental cost of road & parking lot construction and maintenance—and the total cost of driving to a conservation area can seem too high. Trains, buses, even the el, can take you to natural areas full of beauty, wildlife, calm, fun and inspiration— without the higher emissions of driving a personal vehicle.

Leave a smaller footprint when traveling to prairies, savannas, forests and beaches in the Chicago region– and beyond.

Watch this space for maps and guides coming soon.  Transit to Trail is providing maps and travel instructions to help people get to conservation areas that can be reached easily by train, el or bus.

montrose point transit to trail animalia project

The view north from Montrose Point, looking over the dunes in Chicago. (photo by susan ask)










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