

All photographs on this site were made without harassing, feeding, trapping, cornering, baiting, waking or hollering at wildlife.  Great care was taken to avoid stress to wildlife and damage to natural areas.  No photo is worth causing harm to any living thing.


All photographs taken by Susan Ask or Joe Mazza / brave lux


If you’d like to use any of the photos for educational and conservation purposes for a not-for-profit organization or school, please contact Susan Ask:  ask ~at~ animaliaproject ~dot~ org to let us know what you’d like to do with the images so we can discuss options.  High resolution images may be available.  Photos may not be used for commercial purposes without permission.


The photographs are minimally developed outside the camera.  All photos are taken with a digital camera; the exposure and contrast are sometimes edited and photos are often cropped during the electronic development process.  If any major changes are made, the changes will be described on this page.

thank you

Many thanks to brave lux, inc for sharing photos, equipment and expertise.



Tree swallow at Sauer Family Prairie Kame Forest Preserve in Kane County IL

photo image by susan ask all rights reserved

logo:  Tree swallow– Kane County, Illinois

This tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) was seen at the Sauer Family Prairie Kame Forest Preserve in Kane County IL.  It was using a nest box as a resting perch between flights while foraging for insects.  This image was edited in the following ways:  exposure & contrast was taken to extremes and a few feathers along the leading edge of the wing were minimized.



photo by joe mazza / brave lux all rights reserved

home page:  Great horned owl– Starved Rock State Park, Illinois

This great horned owl (Bubo virginianus) is cared for by Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation of Barrington IL, which has all the required permits to care for this owl. The owl was injured, then received veterinary treatment, but the injuries were so severe that the owl would not survive in the wild.  The owl serves as a foster parent to young great horned owls and is introduced at educational events to teach natural history and respect for wildlife.  It is illegal to keep native wildlife without a permit.